Saturday, December 21, 2013

Issaquah Salmon Days

The annual festival in Issaquah is called Salmon Days.  It's huge and takes up downtown Issaquah for the whole weekend and has all of the typical festival fare.  However do not call it a festival to the locals - Ashley mistakenly said this among her classmates and they were offended and all of her classmates corrected her.  Salmon Days is a huge deal.  There is a a salmon hatchery in the middle of Issaquah and during Salmon Days you can see the huge salmon swimming upstream - The festival celebrates the salmon swimming upstream.  It's actually really fun and much better than anything we've gone to in Dallas.

Downtown Issaquah is about a 1.5 mi hike from our apartment so we walked downhill to get there.  We stayed about 7 hours and the walk back uphill after a long day was brutal.  Levi fell asleep in the stroller and Autumn passed out while David was carrying her.

 Petting farm - There were goats, sheep, pigs, kittens, etc.  Ashley disappeared to sit with the kittens while Autumn and Levi wanted to feed the goats.

 Right across from the petting farm is a booth to schedule a trip to a family nudist park (white tent in the back).  There are so many things we've seen here that would not be encountered in Texas.  Ashley was horrified.

There was a band playing the kind of music you would expect at a pacific northwest festival.  Levi danced his heart out.  He danced for at least 45 min while we sat and watched.  Notice the old lady in the background with a hula hoop.  She had to be 70 and danced with her hula hoop the entire time we sat there.  This is not Texas.

Both little kids went on a horse ride.  I have a picture with Autumn on the horse but it's still on Ashley's phone.  The bulk of our pictures were taken with Ashley's camera but I haven't gotten them yet.  That's why there are no pictures of Ashley here.  She was here and loved it.

The week after Salmon Days, Autumn's class had a field trip to the hatchery.  She loves her school.

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