Saturday, December 6, 2014

October 2014

Ashley's homecoming dance was in October.  She looked so old before she went out that it was a little scary.  Her date did not drive so she picked him up after she left.  

We went to a park off of Lake Washington and the kids would wade in and scream because of the cold and then run out and then go back in.  It lasted for an hour and was hilarious.

Autumn is a good big sister
Playing tag on Cougar Mountain

Proud of her headstand skills
He screams when he's awake now so
pictures only occur during nap time

We attended Issaquah Salmon Days again and everyone enjoyed themselves.  Ashley went with friends instead of with us.  At one point, Levi ran away and we found him with the police.  He had decided to head to the bounce houses without us.  The second time he ran away we decided to go home since I was overly frazzled.  
Enjoying the Salmon Days Parade
Slept through Salmon Days

Soccer Season is over for the year
All the Purple Cougars are in kindergarten
at Cougar Ridge Elementary

Levi plays soccer on the sidelines during Autumn's games

Enjoying a Halloween festival
Autumn and Levi chose to be ninjas

Daddy/Daughter pumpkin carving night at Cougar Ridge Elementary

Ready to go to a friend's house for trick-or-treating

Grant is a rugby player.
We had a baby ninja costume but he looks better in this.
Checking out their spoils for the night

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